ST. CLOUD (WJON News) -- A love of music turned into a love of trivia for a 35-year veteran of the KVSC annual trivia contest. In part two of WJON's series on long-time trivia teams, we look at Digital Dungeon Dwellers (DDD).

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PHOTO courtesy of Monte Raske/Digital Dungeon Dwellers
PHOTO courtesy of Monte Raske/Digital Dungeon Dwellers
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PHOTO courtesy of Monte Raske/Digital Dungeon Dwellers

Triple D started around 1988 as a group of friends converting vinyl records to cassette tapes. Co-Captain Monte Raske says when the team started trivia was what they did to pass the time while dubbing the music but soon the music was taking 2nd fiddle to the trivia. Raske says it is still exciting to find answers after all this time:

"When you find an answer in some strange way that you think there's no way anybody else can get this it's such a rush because they thought they made a perfect question and yet you found a way to find something."

PHOTO courtesy of Kari Lingl/Digital Dungeon Dwellers
Kari LIngl of Digital Dungeon Dwellers, PHOTO courtesy of Kari Lingl/Digital Dungeon Dwellers
PHOTO courtesy of Kari Lingl/Digital Dungeon Dwellers
PHOTO courtesy of Kari Lingl/Digital Dungeon Dwellers

Co-Captain Kari Lingl started playing on the team when she was in Junior High and says nothing beats working together to find an answer:

"And I think the camaraderie that happens with that where it's like people are bouncing ideas off of each other and what about this, what about that, oh and then there was this thing and when it's like this whole team effort I think to find something difficult it just feels, even more, fun and amazing and rewarding."

PHOTO courtesy of Monte Raske/Digital Dungeon Dwellers
PHOTO courtesy of Monte Raske/Digital Dungeon Dwellers
PHOTO courtesy of Monte Raske/Digital Dungeon Dwellers
PHOTO courtesy of Monte Raske/Digital Dungeon Dwellers

Lingl says she still remembers when the team first reached out to her to find out the newest Trix Cereal flavor:

"So they called us and we were like hey how are you guys doing, we don't have time to talk we're playing this trivia contest so they were telling us about it afterward and then we had joined in the following year."

PHOTO courtesy of Monte Raske/Digital Dungeon Dwellers
PHOTO courtesy of Monte Raske/Digital Dungeon Dwellers

Like most long-standing teams Triple D has seen trivia evolve from books and DVDs to the digital world, Google searches, and AI. The team has locations in Minnesota and Colorado during the weekend contest. Raske says he is in constant contact with Lingl prior to the contest:

"I'm working on getting the site set up for the main amount of people, she's working through getting out the information on the visuals and stuff and tabulating anything we can figure out on that."

Raske and Lingl say nothing is going too far to try to find an answer like when they called the police to find out when the jail went smoke-free.

PHOTO courtesy of Monte Raske/Digital Dungeon Dwellers
PHOTO courtesy of Monte Raske/Digital Dungeon Dwellers

Digital Dungeon Dwellers have about 15 core members on their team putting them in mid-range as far as team size. Raske says they do pretty well for their size and they plan to keep playing for years to come.

The 46th Annual KVSC Trivia contest is February 14 - 16. Tune into WJON on Saturday, January 25th at 7:10 a.m. after the news to hear the full interview with Monte Raske and Kari Lingl about Digital Dungeon Dwellers. Next week in our series we will look at House of Insanity.

PHOTO courtesy of Monte Raske/Digital Dungeon Dwellers
PHOTO courtesy of Monte Raske/Digital Dungeon Dwellers
PHOTO courtesy of Monte Raske/Digital Dungeon Dwellers
PHOTO courtesy of Monte Raske/Digital Dungeon Dwellers
PHOTO courtesy of Kari Lingl/Digital Dungeon Dwellers
PHOTO courtesy of Kari Lingl/Digital Dungeon Dwellers
PHOTO courtesy of Kari Lingl/Digital Dungeon Dwellers
PHOTO courtesy of Kari Lingl/Digital Dungeon Dwellers



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