Sartell Summerfest Is On for 2021 [PODCAST]
Sartell Mayor Ryan Fizthum joined me on WJON today. He says Sartell Summerfest will happen in 2021. He says they will follow guidance from the state and expect to have the parade and Libertyville amongst other activities and events. He says it's tough to do a parade without marching bands but he's optimistic that marching bands will be allowed to perform in parades this summer. Sartell Summerfest will take place the 2nd weekend in June which falls on June 11-13.
Sartell is moving toward the sale of their former police and fire properties. Fitzthum says he expects and announcement in early March on the sale of both properties. Fitzthum couldn't reveal who is buying the properties but does say the properties are zoned commercial.
Fitzthum says they are moving ahead with the Sartell brand refresh. He expects the process to pick up at the end of March or early April.
Sartell doesn't have major road projects planned for 2021 but does expect to see work done in south Sartell that would link Pine Cone Road with the medical campus near the Sartell Community Center.