Gloria P. Timmer, 79, Waite Park
May 14, 1945 - December 5, 2024
Memorial Services will be held at 6:00 p.m. on Tuesday, December 17, 2024 at the Daniel Funeral Home in St. Cloud, for Gloria P. Timmer, age 79, of Waite Park. Deacon Steve Yanish will officiate. Burial of the urn will take place in St. Joseph’s Parish Cemetery in Waite Park at a later date.
Visitation will be held from 4:00 p.m. until 6:00 p.m. on Tuesday at the Daniel Funeral Home in St. Cloud.
Gloria Philomena Timmer passed away on December 5th, 2024, from advanced dementia. The youngest of seven children, she was born on May 14th, 1945, in Albany, Minnesota to John Timmer and Marie (Dirkes) Timmer.
Her father passed away when she was just 5 years old. The family temporarily relocated to Waterloo, Iowa before returning to Albany where Gloria Graduated from High School in 1963.
Her entire life she was close to her older brother Donald, who taught her many important life lessons. No matter where life took them, they always went the extra mile to stay connected and go the extra mile for each other.
She worked most of her adult life as an injector recycling operator at Franklin/Electrolux. It was there She met the love of her life Elmer Joseph Beuning. Together they had one son, Eric James Beuning.
Gloria and Elmer shared a love of travel and situational humor. At any moment he could ask her if she wanted to go for a drive. She would drop everything, get her stuff together and get in the car. Whether it was a trip to Texas to visit her brother Donald or just a Sunday country drive, she loved every moment she spent at his side.
Gloria loved being creative and took a correspondence course in art and design. A passion she passed to her son, Eric and her only granddaughter, Eva.
She was a devout Catholic who believed very strongly in Christian compassion. If an old lady down the street needed a ride to get groceries, she’d hop in the car. If a good kid made an honest teenage mistake, she was the first one to speak up for him to his parents.
Gloria lived her entire life believing that if you saw someone who needed help, it was your duty to give them a hand up.
Gloria is preceded in death by her father, John Timmer, her mother Marie (Dirkes) Timmer; Siblings Rosemond, Robert, Laverne, Norita, Joyce, and Donald. Husband Elmer Joseph Beuning.
She is survived by her only son, Eric James Beuning and granddaughter Eva Jean Beuning.
In lieu of flowers, Gloria would’ve preferred you to go out and help someone who needs it.