St. Cloud APO Wants Input on Long Range Transportation Plan
ST. CLOUD (WJON News) -- The St. Cloud Area Planning Organization is seeking input on themes for the next long-range transportation plan "Looking Ahead 2050".
In 2021, the APO held a visioning campaign that asked people to share ideas and comments on everything related to future transportation needs.
The APO staff developed six main themes based on more than 2,000 public comments.
Now, the organization wants you to weigh in again to help guide the development of those themes moving forward.
They are...
-- System and Environmental Stewardship: Protecting and preserving our existing infrastructure and environmental assets.
-- Multimodal Connections: Providing a safe and equitable multimodal transportation network affordable for people of all ages and abilities to travel using their preferred modal choice.
-- Congestion Management: Mindfully planning, developing, and operating an innovative transportation network to minimize unnecessary travel delays.
-- Transportation Safety: Reducing fatalities and serious injuries by planning, designing, and building safe infrastructure and improving driving behavior.
-- Interregional Connections: Supporting an economically vibrant region through developing and preserving vital connections to other state, national, and global centers of commerce.
-- Technological Advancements: Understanding and planning for future innovative transportation technologies and encouraging their presence and incorporation into the region's existing transportation network.
The deadline to give your feedback is January 31st.
To participate, go to