Gun Permits Issued in Minnesota Remain Steady in 2023
ST. PAUL (WJON News) -- Minnesota sheriff's offices issued about the same number of gun permits in 2023 as the year before, just over 65,000.
The number of permits issued spiked in 2020 and 2021 when there were over 96,000 and over 106,000 respectively.
The Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension says sheriffs reported there were 222 permits suspended, 51 revoked, 1,307 voided and 789 denied.
Individuals with permits committed 4,700 crimes in 2023, this is the highest number since the state's Personal Protection Act was enacted, but that still represents just one percent of the permit holders which is consistent with recent prior years. Of the 4,700 crimes committed, just over three percent of them were crimes where the gun was used as a weapon, and 60 percent were DWIs or other traffic offenses.

As of today, the total number of valid permits in Minnesota is just over 402,500.
The annual report from the BCA is required by state law.
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