Sunday marked the beginning of the bear, teal, goose and mourning dove seasons in Minnesota.  Glen Schmitt from Outdoor News joined me on WJON.  The bear season runs in Minnesota from September 1 - October 13.  Schmitt says the DNR doesn't have hard numbers yet but based on his connections with those who hunted north of Little Falls and in the northeastern part of the state, bear hunting was very good during opening weekend.  Schmitt says he heard many reports of hunters filling their tags and they saw multiple baits getting hit.  He heard from hunters in Cass Lake, Emily, Blackduck, Crosby, and Grand Rapids. Schmitt says hunters in all locations had success.  He says a lack of natural forest food and cooler weather played a role in the bear activity.  Schmitt says Minnesota has a healthy bear population.  Last year approximately 1,800 bears were shot in the state which was down slightly from 2022.

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The goose hunt in Minnesota started Sunday and goes through September 15.  This is the early goose hunt in the state.   Schmitt says the goose hunting reports were mixed in the state.  He says the people that scouted and gained access to private land did very well while those who hunted public didn't.  Schmitt indicates the best reports were in the Twin Cities metro area and in northern Minnesota.  Both Central Minnesota and southern Minnesota saw mixed reports.

Schmitt says opening day for the Teal hunt was good.  He says he talked to many groups who shot their limit while others struggled.  The early teal season was just 5 days.    Schmitt says not as many people were out hunting geese and teal as opposed to last year at this time.

The Mourning Dove season is September 1 - November 29.  He says dove hunting isn't as popular in Minnesota but is a big deal in southern states.  Schmitt indicates those that did hunt were largely successful.

If you'd like to listen to my conversation with Glen Schmitt, it is available below.



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