This Sauk Rapids Elementary School Will Soon Be No More [PHOTOS]
Kelly Cordes/Youtube
The last few windy days have been carrying bits and pieces of styrofoam, paper, and wood through the neighborhood blocks on 6th Avenue North in Sauk Rapids, where demolition of the old Pleasantview Elementary school is underway.
There have been many families driving by, paying their last tributes to the place where they spent their grade school years, many of them taking pictures of the final days of their school, as the brand new one has already been built on the same property. I've heard that after the demo clean-up of the old school, the area will be paved making parking for the new school built in the previously existing parking space for the old school, but I have not received any official information regarding exactly where the parking location will be.
It was nice to see that the large beams that held up the school were being salvaged and loaded on a truck. It was amazing to watch as we could see 3-4 vehicles all working at the same time, tearing down the old school. I wonder how many days it will take for the workers to complete the task?
We saw individuals the day before going inside the barricades, which was not a great idea, since they were approached by the Sauk Rapids police and reminded that no one is allowed inside the fenced area. It appeared they were receiving a citation.
The new school is beautiful and it will be nice to have the demolition completed as many neighborhood residents are walking through their nearby streets picking up debris that's blowing away from the site.