MDA Offers Grants for Fresh Food
ST. PAUL (WJON News) - Businesses can get help to get fresh, healthy food to their customers thanks to new grant programs.
The Minnesota Department of Agriculture is accepting applications for the Good Food Access Program. The GFAP is intended to help businesses provide better access to affordable, nutritious, and culturally appropriate foods in underserved communities.
The Equipment and Physical Improvement grant can be used for coolers, freezers, and other property intended to help businesses stock more fresh foods. The funding can be used for storefronts, as well as food trucks or farmer’s markets.
A total of $320,750 is available in this round of funding. A cash match is not required, and 50% of the grant can be asked for upfront.
The Technical Assistance grant will help nonprofit organizations and public agencies with business planning, marketing, and financing.
A total of $100,000 is available for this round of funding, and it can be used for up to 75% of project costs.
Both projects must be used for projects located in official food deserts or low- to moderate-income communities.
Applications will remain open until March 16th, 2023. For more information, click here.