Colleges Prepare for MEA
ST. CLOUD -- It's a big week for college admissions staff as MEA approaches.
High school seniors in the state get some time off on Thursday and Friday, and many use the time to visit colleges.
St. Cloud State University is having their Discover Black and Red event.
Nora Lieser is the Associate Director of Undergraduate Admissions at St. Cloud State. She says this event is one of the best ways to get to know the university.
We have all of out six colleges and schools represented at this event, so faculty and staff from each college and school will be present, helping students begin to set their road map for their college career, and start exploring what classes they can take, what internships they can do, what research opportunities (are available).
St. Cloud Technical and Community College is also giving tours on Thursday and Friday.
Jodi Elness is the Director of Admissions at SCTCC. She encourages local students to take a serious look at local options for school.
These tours are an excellent opportunity to come in and just see what's here. Many people say 'I've driven by this campus 100 times, 1,000 times on my way to whatever, and I never knew what was inside,' and I'm so glad I took the time to come check things out.
Lieser says by the end of the month, St. Cloud State expects to have about 60 percent of their total applicant pool. They expect that number to go up to 80 percent by the end of the year.