Time To Remodel Your Weekend With The Weekender
There is a good variety of activities this Weekender. From home remodeling to bean bags, hip-hop, and books you can take advantage of the great winter weather and do something fun. If you want us to include an event in the Weekender, email us here.
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Minneapolis Home and Remodeling Show
U.S. Bank Stadium in MinneapolisCheck out over 150 vendors under one roof for everything home remodeling plus celebrity speakers that include Tamara Day of Bargain Mansions, Lindsey Uselding and Kirsten Meehan of HGTV’s Renovation 911, and Virginia Chamlee the author of Big Thrift Energy. The Show is 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Friday and Saturday, and 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on Sunday.
Cost is :
Adults (At the door): $12.00
Adults (Online): $10.00
Seniors (60+) at the door: $8.00
Children Ages 6 - 12: $4.00
Children Ages 5 & Under: FREE - 2
Craft and Cocktails Fair
Downtown St. CloudThe fair features local Minnesota artists and you can enjoy a craft cocktail while you shop. The event is at Arroy - Thai and Filipino Restaurant, and Twin Flame - Crystals and Witchery. Some of the crafters on hand will be:
Free Mind Art
Creations by Bailey
Heather Sissala
Moonlit Mischief
Cosmic Chaos
LexiAnn Customs
Nicole Taylor
Certainly Wildflowers
Paper Mountain Jewelry
Tricky StitcheryThe Fair runs from 1:00 - 5:00 p.m. on Sunday.
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Book Fair - Warm Up and Restock
St. Cloud Public LibraryIf you love to read you can stock up on deals at the St. Cloud Library for fiction, romance, science fiction, kids' books, and more. The book fair runs Friday and Saturday from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
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6th Annual Bean Bag Tournament
Blue Heron - Cold Spring, MN6th annual Bean Bag Tournament and Silent Auction at Great Blue Heron in Cold Spring. A portion of the proceeds go to Firefighters for Healing. The tourney is on Saturday starting at noon.
REGISTER by emailing: skip@skiphalverson.com or text 320-761-1303.
Firefighters for Healing is a non-profit that helps burn survivor patients, firefighters, and first responders after a line-of-duty injury or medical diagnosis.
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Winter 24' Hip Hop Showcase
Keller Bar - Downtown St. CloudThe Winter '24 Hip Hop Showcase will feature performances by L-DuB & Robs, Lil Bimmy, YMI Witless, Big Smoke, and more. There will also be some open mic time after the show is done.
Saturday at 10:00 p.m. at the Keller Bar. It is a 21+ event. The event is free/no cover charge.