St. Cloud VA Plans Events During Suicide Prevention Month
ST. CLOUD -- The St. Cloud VA Medical Center is hosting several events in the coming weeks as part of Suicide Prevention Month.
The VA is asking you to show your support of veterans in crisis while helping raise awareness of the VA mental health services.
Tomorrow (Thursday), there is Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper Training being offered to the public as a way to help respond to someone in crisis. It will be held at 7:00 p.m. in the Mississippi Room at the St. Cloud Public Library.
On Saturday, there will be a 2K walk/Run/Stroll & Roll on the VA campus. You can complete the 2K anytime between 9:00-Noon. There is no charge, but you are asked to check in at Building 92, also known as the Reid Building.
Then on Friday, September 20th, dramatist Jennifer Tuder will perform a one-woman play describing her experience following her father's suicide. It will be in the VA Auditorium from 2:00-3:00 p.m. There is no cost for the event and it is open to the public.