BERLIN, GERMANY (WJON News) -- The Meire Grove Community Band and St. Cloud Municipal Band’s international trip is ending.

On Thursday a three hour bus ride to Berlin turned into an almost 5 hour ride due to weather, traffic and two car crashes.  Once in Berlin the band had a hop-on hop-off bus tour and got to see the remains of the Berlin Wall, Checkpoint Charlie, the Brandenburg Gate, the Reichstag Building, and more.

When the tour was done it was another two-hour bus ride to Magdeburg to spend the night.

Friday was mostly another travel day with an almost 4-hour drive to Dinklage to check into hotels and then into Holdorf for a welcome reception. In Holdorf on Saturday it was time to perform again.

Paul Habstritt
Paul Habstritt

The day started with two hours of rehearsals with the Holdorf city band to go over the combined pieces and review the concert details.  After a lunch break, and a presentation by Holdorf’s Burgermeister (mayor) it was time for the show.  The Holdorf band went on first playing some American favorites like Sweet Caroline, Y.M.C.A., and more.  The combined Meire Grove and St. Cloud band want on 2nd with a mix of polkas, Americana, and marches.  At the end the two groups combined to play Stars and Stripes Forever, and Bohmischer Traum.

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After the concert, the group was given a tour of some historical sites in the city and a barbeque farewell celebration.  Sunday saw a 5 hour bus ride to Rudesheim with some free time to explore the city, before the group heads home on Monday.


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