Sheriff’s Office Holding First-Ever Holiday Greeting Card Contest
ST. CLOUD -- The Stearns County Sheriff’s Office is looking for help designing their 2021 holiday greeting cards.
The first-ever Sheriff’s Office Holiday Greeting Card Design Contest is open to kids ages 12 and under who live in Stearns County.

Submissions must be winter-themed original artwork that incorporates the sheriff’s office. Examples include deputies, the badge, squad cars, or k-9s.
Designs must be no smaller than 5" X 7" and no larger than 8.5" X 11". Artwork can be landscape or portrait.
The first-place winner’s design will be used as the front cover of the Stearns County Sheriff’s Office’s official greeting card that is sent out to various partners, sponsors. The winner will also receive a $20 Amazon gift card, five copies of the greeting card, an official Stearns County patch, and a certificate of excellence.
Two runners up will receive official county patches and certificates of appreciation.
You can submit your designs in person, or by mail at:
Stearns County Sheriff’s Office
Attn: Holiday Card Design Contest
807 Courthouse Square
PO Box 217
St. Cloud, Minnesota 56302
Designs can also be emailed to sheriffholidaycards@co.stearns.mn.us
All submissions must be postmarked by November 26th. There is no limit on the number of entries per contestant. Winners will be announced during the last week of November.
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