District 742 Demographic Report Shows Diverse Staff, Student Body
ST. CLOUD -- Over half of St. Cloud Area Public Schools students are Persons of Color or American Indian according to the 2017 - 2018 demographics report.
The total percentage comes in at 51.99% of students that are Persons of Color or American Indian. This number is almost double the rate of the rest of Minnesota, which sits at 28% of students of color or American Indian.
The district is slightly behind the state average of 4% Teachers of Color or American Indian, sitting at 3.87%.
The total racial diversity, (meaning the percentage of races represented other than white) in District 742 outpaces Stearns County as a whole by around 39%. The demographic report also found the district has more women than men on its staff, with 1353 women, and 463 men.
According to District 742's research, students perform better when learning from and interacting with staff that reflect their cultures, backgrounds, and histories.