Dozens Show Up For Universal Healthcare Rally In St. Cloud
ST. CLOUD - Around 30 people rallied on the steps of the Stearns County Courthouse Wednesday night to talk about Universal/Single-payer healthcare.
The group organized a peaceful rally so bring to talk about ways they could help other people understand the benefits of a universal/single-payer healthcare.
Justin Lewandowski spoke at the event. He says that Universal healthcare helps us to take care of everyone.
"We need to make sure that we are tending to everyone in our society, including those around the fringes. I think that universal healthcare and single-payer healthcare is a moral obligation for all Minnesotans and all people in the country."
While the topic of healthcare can cause division, Lewandowski says there is a way that we can talk to one another about important issues without being divided.
"It's about making sure that we are digging deeper into our shared values and experiences. It's not about making this an issue that is partisan, but one that is about humans."
Diversity and Leadership trainer Denny Smith and Former St. Joseph Mayor Richard Carlbom also spoke at the event.
The group made no negative comments about people with opposing views, instead the people who attended the rally said they want to build relationships with people they disagree with so they can work together to solve the problem.