Cold Spring Moving Closer to Hiring New City Administrator
COLD SPRING - Cold Spring is expected to take another step towards hiring a new city administrator on Tuesday night.
Acting city administrator Kris Dockendorf says the city council will look to approve an updated job description for the position, in hopes of hiring someone early next year.
"They don't want to rush it, but it would be after the first of the year sometime and for sure by spring."
After the city approves the position, they will start advertising for it. Dockendorf says the updates to the administrator position are minor and that they tend to tweak and update the job description every five years.
There were previous discussion by the city to hire an outside agency for the hiring process, but it was ultimately decided that city staff will handle the process as they generally have in past hirings.
Dockendorf has been interim city administrator since Paul Hetland parted ways with the city earlier this year. She will return to her original position as finance director once a new administrator is hired.