Businesses Facing License Suspensions, Fines
UNDATED -- The Minnesota Department of Public Safety Alcohol and Gambling Enforcement Division has notified a pair of businesses that they face a 60-day suspension of their liquor licenses for opening early.
Neighbors on the Rum in Princeton and Alibi Drinkery in Lakeville were found to be allegedly in violation of the governor's executive order. The state says they have documented evidence that they both opened for on-site consumption including police reports and media reports showing large crowds. DPS plans to suspend their liquor licenses for 60 days pending a hearing before a judge.
Meanwhile, local law enforcement visited several bars and restaurants that had announced they were planning on opening including the Pizza Depot in Becker but they found them to be closed.
Another bar, Mission Tavern in Crow Wing County, is facing a $10,000 penalty and license suspension due to repeated non-compliance with the executive order. The Minnesota Department of Health determined the business had allowed on-site consumption on November 25th, and again on December 11th.

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