Well, we just went through the pandemic that went from "two weeks to flatten the curve" to two years to even begin to talk about an "end-demic".  And supposedly, according to this website, Minnesota is considered one of the least stressed out states.

The people who I know and who I've talked to, this doesn't seem to jive.  Unless there are people in other states that are crazy-stressed.

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This study was based on a few factors.  Actually, there are 41 different factors.  That's a lot.  You'd think at that rate, you could find anyone super stressed or not stressed depending on what was taken into consideration.  The study was based on these, among others- average work hours, unemployment, income, divorce, COVID restrictions, depression and healthcare as well as crime rate.

Minnesota came in as number 49 out of 50 of the least stressed states. The only state less stressed than us- Utah. I guess that's a good thing, but seriously, did they actually talk to anyone?  I'm guessing not.  And as far as the crime rate, it obviously takes the whole state into consideration, because we all know what the crime rate looks like in the twin cities.  Oy!

Louisiana came in as the most stressed state.  Hurricanes?  That would stress me out.  Although there were several other factors taken into consideration, obviously.

Anyway, I guess one can be glad that Minnesota is one of the "least stressed states" but, it doesn't make me feel any less stressed.  Yoga?  Meditation? Breathing exercises?

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