St. Cloud Schools Adjusting to Covid-19 [PODCAST]
St. Cloud School Superintendent Willie Jett was my guest on WJON today. He says they are adjusting daily to concerns over Covid-19. He says teachers, staff and students have gone above and beyond to make the learning experience for students the best it can be concerning the challenges. He says some teachers are making themselves available after hours to help students learn the material.
District 742 has protocols and procedures in place if and when kids or students test positive for Covid-19. He explains how they handled the positive case last week at South Junior High. Jett says if a teacher tests positive that will trigger different protocols and procedures. He says they do have substitute teachers on standby for each school if the situation calls for that.
High School football and volleyball practices begin today with games and matches set to start in early October. Jett says they are waiting for guidance from the Minnesota State High School League on how they will handle fans for football games. He says he expects the amount of fans who can attend games will be limited for both home and away fans. Jett expects live video to be available for fans who cannot or prefer not to attend games/matches.