Questions Remain on Proposed $6.1 Million St. Joseph Aquatic Center
ST. JOSEPH - St. Joseph city council members still have questions on the proposed $6.1 million aquatic center project.
A few members would like to revisit potential locations and maintenance costs before the project moves forward.
Several say they would like to find a specific location picked for the project before moving forward with soil borings, which would cost the city $6,000-$8,000. The city previously discussed a site to the northwest of the intersecton of County Road 133 and Elm Street East. However, members aren't completely sold on the location and want to review other options.
There are also concerns on operating costs. A study presented to the city in April said the facility would cost just over $253,000 to operate per year. The facility is projected to gather just over $285,000 per year, Creating a $32,000 operating surplus. The study recommended the center charge $6 per person for admission. A few council members questioned the validity of the estimates and survey results.
The city recently approved design documents, which cost them $71,000.
Mayor Rick Schultz says they will discuss the project again in more detail during their next city council meeting.
The proposed aquatic center includes a lazy river, lap pool, splash pool, zero depth entry pool, climbing wall and a zip line.
The city is continuing to see what kind of sponsorship and money could be available for the project. A brochure was recently created to present to potential donors in the area.