Optimist International To Celebrate 100 Years [PODCAST]
Optimist International will be celebrating their 100 year anniversary Wednesday June 19. They are inviting the public to join them from 7:00 - 9:30 a.m. at Capital One Cafe in downtown St. Cloud for coffee and donuts.
Longtime members of the St. Cloud Optimist Club Jim and Ginny Bisek and St. Cloud Optimist President Renee Dingman joined me on WJON Thursday. The Optimists focus on helping youth with programs and scholarships. Listen to the conversation with Jim, Ginny and Renee below.
The Morning St. Cloud Optimist Club began in 1974 and has donated over $2.3 Million to area youth programs including Boys & Girls Club, Big Brothers Big Sisters, Boys Scouts, Girls Scouts, LEAF, Pathways 4 Youth, Skate Park, Youth for Christ, area school districts and more.