Kleis; Prepared For Tough Financial 2021 [PODCAST]
St. Cloud Mayor Dave Kleis joined me on WJON today. He says the city of St. Cloud prepared a conservation budget for 2021 with the pandemic in mind. He says not being able to schedule events at the Rivers Edge Convention Center early this year is a factor and it's unclear when they can start scheduling events in there again. The Convention has been used for Covid-19 spit tests. The State of Minnesota is paying for the use of the building for that. The City of St. Cloud had a $8.5 Million budget reduction to the 2020 budget due to the pandemic. He says a lack of snow fall early in 2021 helps save some money for now with snow removal but he says they still have a ways to go this winter. Listen to our 2-part conversation below.
Mayor Kleis and I discussed the police and security presence at the Capitol building in Washington D.C. He says when these situations presented themselves with known protests they were prepared for the worst. Kleis is proud of the job Police Chief Blair Anderson has done in organizing efforts to handle protests to keep the protesters and those nearby safe. He says they have been prepared to defend properties and people from those who chose to become violent.
St. Cloud Mayor Dave Kleis joins me every other Friday from 8:10-8:50 a.m. on WJON. He next appearance will be Friday January 22. He can be reached at his office at 320-255-7201.