The last couple of years in Central Minnesota drought was the topic of conversation.  This year that hasn't been the case.  Consistent rain has had a positive impact on lawns and gardens but also on farm fields.  Crop farmer Dave Lochen from the Pearl Lake area joined me on WJON.  He farms grains, soy beans and sweet corn.  Lochen explains the last 2 years of farming has been challenging due to drought.  He says a lot of their pre-emerged chemicals don't activate without water and they spent more on irrigation than they had planned.

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This spring/summer has been rainy.  Lochen says he has a hard time complaining about rain.  He explains that he has some drown out spots on his fields.  Lochen expects to either prevent plant or re-plant in those areas.  He is confident most areas that have been flooded will recover.  Those that stay underwater for a long period of time won't recover and will be lost for the season.  Lochen says those areas are typically small.  He does anticipate extra weed control due to the large amounts of rain this year but he is spending less on irrigation.

Lochen is optimistic that this could be a really good growing season.  He explains the higher land areas could make up for the lost growing in flooded areas.  Lochen says "it is a lot better to be wet than dry".

If you'd like to listen to my conversation with Dave Lochen, it is available below.



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