Gar to Sturgeon, Minnesota Record Fish Applications Surge
ST. PAUL (AP) — Minnesota is seeing a surge in record fish submissions.
The Department of Natural Resources said Tuesday it has received five applications for four species, including lake sturgeon, shortnose gar, golden redhorse and the quillback carpsucker.
Mike Kurre, the DNR's state record fish program coordinator, says the agency has never had so many record submissions in such a short period.
Reasons for the bump-up in applications for record fish include recovery efforts for lake sturgeon that have boosted their numbers, and more interest in identifying and trying to catch obscure species such as golden redhorse and shortnose gar.
Kurre recommends that anglers who want a place on the record list become familiar with the state's record-fish guidelines, be ready to take the required photos and follow the correct application procedures.