What a change up from last year, and the year before that; the last 2 years the whole state of Minnesota has been in a drought.  Now, for the first time in 2 years, no part of Minnesota is in a drought situation.  It just won't quit raining.  In other words, be careful what you wish for. So, maybe this hike idea might have to wait for a bit when it's closer to the Fall.

Fall or Autumn for you purists, is my favorite time of year. I love cool-ish Autumn days when you can walk in the woods without worrying about being attacked by a ton of flying insects and you can actually enjoy what Minnesota has to offer.

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Leaves changing color, hiking outside and checking out nature and enjoying the weather without it being too hot or too cold. Also, not all muddy and soggy out from the snow melt like it is in the Spring.  Autumn is the perfect season.  In my opinion.  That is, when the sun is out.  I don't mean those crazy cold, windy and rainy days.

That brings me to this trail which is considered one of the most remote and rugged in Minnesota.  But apparently, if you do hike it, it's totally worth it.

It's The Kekekabic Trail otherwise known as the Kek.  According to Only in Your State, It's located near Snowban Lake, near Ely then then runs about 50 miles up the Gunflint Trail and then near Grand Marais.  Most of the trail is within the Boundary Waters Canoe Area. Hopefully, within the next couple months, it will dry out a bit so that hiking would be possible.

Not everyone would do the whole trail - that is a multi-day adventure.  And would take a lot of stamina.  But, it might be worth it to check everything out, and it could be a bucket list item checked off the list.

You would also need to plan ahead.  There really aren't any modern conveniences along the way.  So, pack a backpack with everything you would need including food and water.  In other words - not for the faint of heart. Or, just do part of it.  Go a few miles, then turn around and go back the way you came.

Apparently you need to be ready to hike over an occasional beaver dam.  That doesn't sound appealing, but if you are committed, it's something you may have to do.

There is a video with some of the experiences that you could encounter.  If you are into remote nature areas, the views and wild life that you will see is really worth it.  But just be prepared.

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