DFL State Rep Wolgamott Talks Higher Ed and Transportation
ST. CLOUD -- A freshman lawmaker from St. Cloud thinks the state needs to pick up more of the tab for Minnesotans who want to get a higher education degree. DFL State Representative Dan Wolgamott says over the last decade, the cost of college has fallen onto the backs of students more and more.
Wolgamott says the state constitution calls for state government to pick up two-thirds of tuition for Minnesotans and one-third by the student. He says that's been falling farther and farther behind over the last 10 years.
Wolgamott would like to see a tuition freeze for Minnesota's colleges and universities but also says it can't lead to cuts in programming and budgets at the schools.
As for Governor Tim Walz' 20-cent gas tax hike, Wolgamott says it's just one idea. He wants to hear all proposals on how to fund roads and bridges moving forward.
Wolgamott sits on the Transportation Finance and Policy Committee and says Transportation Commissioner Margaret Anderson Kelliher testified before that committee that the state of Minnesota will have an estimated $6-billion funding gap in 20 years.
With a deficit to fix and create new infrastructure, Wolgamott says we need to find a sustainable solution soon.
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