One Beaver Island Trail Alignment Approved, Another Rescinded
ST. CLOUD -- Walkers and bikers will one day be able to use the Beaver Island Trail to get to the River Bluffs Regional Park in south St. Cloud. City Council members approved the alignment and right-of-way acquisition last night.
The move means the city will extend the trail from where it currently ends at 33rd Street South to the park's entrance at 38th Street South.
The 3/4 mile extension will cost an estimated $888,000. City officials plan to secure a "Clean Water Land & Legacy Amendment" grant worth $400,000. $388,000 would come from the federal "Transportation Improvement Program". The remaining $100,000 will be paid for with 1/2 cent sales tax dollars.
The timeline to complete the extension is unclear.
Meanwhile, the Beaver Island Trail extension to the north will require a new alignment. Council members approved a motion withdrawing approval of the route from the Civic Center to the boat landing near Cathedral High School.
Council members learned there wasn't enough right-of-way available near the condominiums there.
Staff will need to bring back other alignment options before that 3/4 mile extension can move forward.