Manufacturing Jobs Growing in St. Cloud and Greater Minnesota
ST. CLOUD - Minnesota manufacturers are hiring more and are paying higher wages, according to a new survey.
The seventh annual State of Manufacturing survey was presented in St. Cloud on Tuesday. Enterprise Minnesota CEO Bob Kill says manufacturers in St. Cloud and greater Minnesota will likely continue to create more jobs.
"I think St. Cloud is an extremely positive example of the positiveness of manufacturing. You're located in the crossroads of the state and you have a very diverse economy with service, manufacturing and construction."
Manufacturing firms reported higher economic confidence and increased salaries in the survey. However, some firms are still having trouble finding skilled and qualified workers.
Kill says great careers are available in manufacturing right now and that the state and federal government should highlight them more often.
"Manufacturing is the lifeblood of a lot of our communities, they pay really great wages with good benefits typically and there's been a shrinking workforce."
Many firms are looking for welders in greater Minnesota, while machine operators and engineers are in high demand in the Twin Cities area.
Kill says technical colleges will play a large role in helping to train new workers.