Today I may have said the unthinkable for some...


Pumpkin Spice Lattes aren't that great

*GASP* can you believe I said that on the day the PSL comes back to Starbucks? But it's true, to me the Pumpkin Spice Lattes aren't that great, as a matter of fact I will go as far as to say I don't like them at all!

But I believe that's okay. We don't all have to like the same thing. There is no doubt in my mind that it's possible there is something I really like, that you could dislike as much as I do PSLs.

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Why the dislike of pumpkin spice latte's. Honestly, I can't quite put my finger on it. I've never been a fan of anything pumpkin flavored for as long as I can remember. Don't like pumpkin pie, pumpkin flavored pudding, Twinkies, cereal, and a countless number of other items that have sprung from the PSL craze and doesn't appear to be slowing down anytime soon.

With all that said, I was curious on who was getting on the train of ordering their first PSL of the season, so I asked social media:

No surprise to see a response such as this:

Photo by Megan Zee/TSM
Photo by Megan Zee/TSM

Followed by a couple others who like PSLs BUT had this to say:

Photo by Megan Zee/TSM
Photo by Megan Zee/TSM
Photo by Megan Zee/TSM
Photo by Megan Zee/TSM

One response had a refreshing take on it:

Photo by Megan Zee/TSM
Photo by Megan Zee/TSM

And lastly I found there are others who think like me:

Photo by Megan Zee/TSM
Photo by Megan Zee/TSM

Whether you love PSLs, like them, are meh about them or down right don't like them, you do you and own it, the way I own that I am going to enjoy, instead of a PSL, an Apple Crisp Oatmilk Macchiato...WHEN I'm willing to let summer go.


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LOOK: See how much gasoline cost the year you started driving

To find out more about how has the price of gas changed throughout the years, Stacker ran the numbers on the cost of a gallon of gasoline for each of the last 84 years. Using data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (released in April 2020), we analyzed the average price for a gallon of unleaded regular gasoline from 1976 to 2020 along with the Consumer Price Index (CPI) for unleaded regular gasoline from 1937 to 1976, including the absolute and inflation-adjusted prices for each year.

Read on to explore the cost of gas over time and rediscover just how much a gallon was when you first started driving.


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