Agency Won’t Reschedule Hearings in St. Cloud on Pipeline
ST. PAUL, Minn. (AP) _ The Public Utilities Commission says it will not reschedule public hearings in St. Cloud on Enbridge Energy's proposal to replace its aging Line 3 crude oil pipeline across northern Minnesota.
The two hearings were to be held Oct. 26, but were canceled because of logistical and safety issues at River's Edge Convention Center.
In a letter Thursday, PUC Chair Nancy Lange said the commission concluded it could not reschedule the St. Cloud hearings because of where the case is in the review process. The public can still submit comments by Nov. 22.
Tribal and environmental groups say the project threatens pristine waters where
wild rice grows.
Enbridge and its supporters say Line 3 is a needed piece of infrastructure, and
that replacing it will make it safer while creating jobs.