MnDOT Reminds Drivers to Stay Out of Snow Plow Blind SpotsMnDOT Reminds Drivers to Stay Out of Snow Plow Blind SpotsThe Minnesota Department of Transportation is reminding motorists to be aware of, and stay out of snow plow blind spots.AbbeyAbbey
Blizzard Warning In Effect in Central Minnesota Thursday Through SaturdayBlizzard Warning In Effect in Central Minnesota Thursday Through SaturdayBe safe, be cautious, and stay home if you can. It's looking like more of a "white-out" Christmas than just the white one we were dreaming of. AbbeyAbbey
MN Fish and Wildlife: Watch for Bears While Driving at NightMN Fish and Wildlife: Watch for Bears While Driving at NightThe Minnesota Fish and Wildlife page on Facebook is warning drivers of an increased risk of seeing bears on the road this time of year.AbbeyAbbey
Stearns County Warning: “No Hunting in Any Parks”Stearns County Warning: “No Hunting in Any Parks”Stearns County sent a warning to all their newsletter subscribers this week about the upcoming hunting season.AbbeyAbbey
Carver County Sheriff Asks Parents to Think Twice About Back to School PicturesCarver County Sheriff Asks Parents to Think Twice About Back to School PicturesThe Carver County Sheriff's Office posted a warning to parents on their Facebook page over the weekend.AbbeyAbbey
Sauk Rapids Police Warn of String of Unlocked Vehicle TheftSauk Rapids Police Warn of String of Unlocked Vehicle TheftThe Sauk Rapids Police Department took to Facebook to warn residents of an uptick in theft from unlocked vehicles.AbbeyAbbey
Foley Police Warn of Fake Publisher’s Clearing House Phone ScamsFoley Police Warn of Fake Publisher’s Clearing House Phone ScamsEarlier this week the Foley Police Department shared a warning to the public about fake Publisher's Clearing House scam calls being madeAbbeyAbbey
Benton County Sheriff’s Asking Motorist to Allow Extra Space for FarmersBenton County Sheriff’s Asking Motorist to Allow Extra Space for FarmersThe harvest season is in full swing and with it comes extra farm equipment on Central Minnesota roads. AbbeyAbbey