Michele Bachmann

Clark To Run Against Cravaack In 8th District
Clark To Run Against Cravaack In 8th District
Clark To Run Against Cravaack In 8th District
Former Democratic state senator Tarryl Clark is planning another run for Congress. Clark says she and her husband bought a condo in Duluth and she plans to file papers to run against Republican Rep. Chip Cravaack next year.
Bachmann – Obama Wall Street’s Best Friend
Bachmann – Obama Wall Street’s Best Friend
Bachmann – Obama Wall Street’s Best Friend
Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann told a South Carolina tax day tea party rally that President Barrack Obama is Wall Street's best friend. Bachmann later told reporters in Columbia that she can't wait to take him on even though she's not ready to announce plans to seek the GOP presidential nomination until around June.
Bachmann Plans Stops In Pella, Iowa City
Bachmann Plans Stops In Pella, Iowa City
Bachmann Plans Stops In Pella, Iowa City
Minnesota congresswoman Michele Bachmann will make two stops in Iowa as part of a conservative lecture series for potential presidential candidates. Bachmann will speak Monday afternoon at Pella Christian High School, then attend an event at the University of Iowa.

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