Dayton Blasts Waite Park Millionaire Who Says He Took Food Stamps
ST. PAUL (AP) — Gov. Mark Dayton has criticized a self-described millionaire who says he legally qualified for food stamps and took them to prove the system is vulnerable to abuse.
Rob Undersander of Waite Park told a legislative committee Wednesday that he and his wife collected about $6,000 in benefits they didn't need over 19 months, then gave the equivalent to charity. Minnesota doesn't use a person's assets to determine food-stamp eligibility. He said they qualified because his retirement income was low. He was testifying for a bill to require that assets be counted.
The governor on Thursday joined other Democrats in condemning Undersander's actions.
Dayton said, "If I were him I would have been ashamed to show up and disclose what I'd done."
He said public policy shouldn't be made on anecdotes.