Bill to Bypass Regulators on Enbridge Line 3 Heads to Dayton
ST. PAUL, Minn. (AP) _ A bill that would let Enbridge Energy bypass the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission and proceed with replacing its aging Line 3 crude oil pipeline across northern Minnesota is on its way to Gov. Mark Dayton, who has promised a veto.
The Minnesota House voted 74-53 on Thursday to accept the version that passed
the Senate Wednesday.
Dayton has said he opposes the bill because it would short-circuit the normal regulatory process. The PUC is scheduled to vote late next month on whether the project is needed, and what route it should take.
One of the bill's chief sponsors, Sen. David Osmek, says it sends a message that lawmakers back the project.
Line 3 is opposed by environmental and tribal groups that fear the impact on climate change and pristine waters.