Stearns Bank Announces Matching Challenge for New Holdingford Playground
HOLDINGFORD - The plan to build a new playground at the Holdingford elementary is getting a financial boost.
The Stearns Bank has announced a community matching challenge. The bank will match up to $25,000.
The Holdingford school district is hoping to raise $285,000 for the new playground, with about $200,000 of that coming from the school district's budget.
They are planning to build it in August, prior to the start of the new school year.
The new "Dream Catcher II" playground will replace the current "Dream Catcher" which has begun to fall into disrepair.
Send donations to:
Holdingford School District
Attn: Chris Swenson/Linda Zapzalka
900 5th St.
Holdingford, MN 56340