Foley High School Celebrates Record Tractor Day 2016 [VIDEO]
The long tradition continues in Foley with Tractor Day on the high school senior's last day of school. This year there were 68 tractors that filled the school parking lot.
Foley High School invited 98.1 Minnesota's New Country to join in on the festivities again this year. At 6:30 am Ava jumped on board in Gilman for the 5 mile trek to the Foley High School, while Barry welcomed nearly 50 tractors as they drove into the school parking lot with country music greeting them in.
Tractor Day is a Foley tradition that's been going on for many years and is more popular every year. The High School even designated a dedicated water balloon fight area for some water fun, that is also a tradition, and there were thousands of water balloons ready to throw.
As 8:00 am came, the students had their tractors locked, and were headed into the school with a snack in hand and ready for the school day.