Emmer’s Town Hall Visit Draws Crowd of Around 400 [VIDEO]
SARTELL -- A crowd of nearly 400 people came out to Congressman Tom Emmer's first Town Hall meeting of the year.
A protest took place at Sartell City Hall before and during the event, some opposed Emmer's views while other's were in support of him.
Kevin Tadych says he supports the congressman.
"Yes I did vote for him, I believe in all of his values and what he stands for and a man of action. Emmer was working kind of with Obama and voted for a few of Obama's bills and I was starting to question Emmer but I think he's pretty level headed."
Healthcare was a main topic of discussion both outside city hall and inside during the meeting. Jim Magmuson says without the Affordable Care Act his son would not have health insurance.
"We're really focused on a couple of main things, healthcare is one of them. We've look at the talk about repealing the ACA, right now our 26-year-old son is in recovery from opiate based pain medication, he's 26-years-old so he can't be on our insurance and if they took away the ACA I don't know how we're going to pay for his on going treatment."
Other than healthcare, Emmer answered questions concerning immigration, minimum wage, climate change, transportation and student debt.
During Emmer's last term he hosted 24 meetings in 24 months he says he plans to keep that same pace going into his second term.