Becker Drug Bust Results in Two Arrests
BECKER -- Two men have been arrested on drug charges after authorities say they've found a possible link between them and two drug overdoses.
Forty-Seven-year-old Frank Cairl and 19-year-old Timothy Cairl of Becker, were arrested Thursday at a house in the 10,100 of 14th Avenue. Investigators say they found about 19 grams of fentanyl and over a pound of marijuana, along with hallucinogenic mushrooms and marijuana wax.
Within the past two weeks, the Becker Police and Sherburne County Sheriff's Office responded to two incidents of possible fentanyl overdoses in the city of Becker.
The overdoses are being investigated as possibly being linked to the address where the Cairls were arrested. Both men are being held in the Sherburne County Jail.
Timothy Cairl is being held on charges of 3rd degree possession of a controlled substance. Frank Cairl is being held on three counts of 5th degree possession of a controlled substance.