A rainy May has been followed by a rainy June and water levels on lakes, rivers and streams are high in Central Minnesota.  Glen Schmitt from Outdoor News joined me on WJON.  He says the rain has dirtied the water a bit which is good.  Schmitt explains water levels are up a bit locally but he characterizes it is a above normal but not problematic.  He says some rivers like the Mississippi or Minnesota in southern Minnesota are above their banks in spots which has led to ramp and access closures.

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Due to some overflow on rivers there are locations boaters can't get to due to no wake zones.  Schmitt says a benefit is backwaters and sloughs now have water in them and walleye and panfish will trickle into them.  He says the added water is good for wetlands too. Schmitt doesn't see a big impact on fishing success with the high waters other than the water becoming more dirty which he sees as a benefit.

Schmitt says fishing is in a transition right now.  He says walleyes are biting on a bit of everything from minnows, leeches, nightcrawlers, crankbaits, plastics, hard bait and jig and wrap type baits.  Schmitt says walleyes are spreading out a bit right with some real shallow while others have moved to deep main lake structures.  He says weed lines are also a good spot to find walleyes.  Schmitt says if you fish weed lines you could encounter lots of different species.  He explains overall fishing has been good and the panfish spawn is wrapping up. The presentation that has worked the best for Schmitt catching walleyes recently is a jig and a piece of a nightcrawler.  He says slip bobber fishing has been every effective and popular this year too.

If you'd like to listen to my conversation with Glen Schmitt, it is available below.



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