The homeless problem in the St. Cloud area could only be getting worse.  I was joined on WJON by Benton County Commissioner Steve Heinen and Victoria Blonigen from Benton County Outreach.  Heinen says the St. Cloud metro area has approximately 350 to 400 homeless people.  Blonigen says the number is increasing but many of the homeless aren't as visible this year as opposed to last year.  She says the encampments this year are more hidden in the woods on both private and public property.

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photo - Tim Lyon
photo - Tim Lyon

Heinen says the reason for the increase in homelessness in the St. Cloud area has to do with the economy and a lack of low income housing.  He says homelessness usually starts at an early age due to trauma and typically includes a job loss and couch hoping.  Heinen says eventually these people have no where else to go and often times live in their car.  Blonigen indicates criminal background plays a role.  She explains if a person has a felony it is difficult to find housing.  She says there are not a lot of felony friendly landlords.  Other factors include drug addiction and mental illness.

Lincoln Center outdoor encampment (photo - Jay Caldwell)
Lincoln Center outdoor encampment (photo - Jay Caldwell)

Blonigen meets with many of the homeless in the community in hopes of helping these individuals.  She says her job is to get people connected with the resources that are out there. This can include financial assistance from the county, job placement assistance, and mental health services.  Blonigen says the majority of those that are homeless don't want to be.  She says the first steps to get someone off the streets and out of the homeless shelters is to get them on county financial assistance and on the section 8 apartment waiting list.

The maximum length of stay at homeless shelters is 45 days.  Heinen says he'd like that changed to 180 days.  He says 45 days just isn't long enough to get people on track with a job and settled in to move out of homelessness.  Heinen says thee are plenty of people who are employed but can't afford housing as well.  I asked if Heinen and Blonigen if those panhandling at busy intersections in St. Cloud area homeless.  Heinen and Blonigen say some are while others are working the system.

If you'd like to listen to my conversation with Steve and Victoria, it is available below.



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