If you are a frequent flyer to downtown St. Cloud, you probably know of the 'Write On' sculpture that has been placed directly in front of the Paramount Center for The Arts, but you may not know the story behind this incredible work, created by artist Karl Unnasch with the help of some other creative minds.

Photo by Kelly Cordes
Photo by Kelly Cordes


The sculpture lovingly known as 'Write On' seems like such a simple idea, doesn't it? But its message and meaning go much deeper than you may realize.

The work of art represents a worn-out pencil; the kind many of us remember having in school. We would chew on them, sharpen them, and wear out the erasers unevenly until our favorite pencil was either lost,on the bus, in our lockers, in the hallways of our school, or perhaps just too small to use anymore.  We took notes, we drew pictures, we studied, we figured out math problems and learned how to spell. We wrote love letters to people we were fond of, and wrote our deepest darkest secrets in our diaries.

Photo by Kelly Cordes
Photo by Kelly Cordes
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The sculpture is made of fabricated steel and backlit opalescent glass,and stands 8 feet high. It is always out front with a plaque at it's base, telling passerby's the reason for its creation; to celebrate the 100th Anniversary of the Paramount Center for the Arts. A play, a drawing, a poem, a song, a musical composition; It's an amazing representation of the simplest beginnings of our creative abilities, that can become so much more.

Nicole Unnasch
Nicole Unnasch

This creation was gifted to the City of St. Cloud by the Paramount Center for the Arts. According to Karl's website,"Write On' is a call to reflection on the creative process of bringing ideas to fruition.

On occasion, you will see the sculpture in its full glory; all lit up next to the bright marquee of a theatre that has been celebrating artists of all kinds for over 100 years now. Karl worked with other artists Mary Bruno, and Sam Spiczka to bring this creation to life.

Photo By Kelly Cordes
Photo By Kelly Cordes


On his website,  Write On's creator left this message:

'Everything starts with an idea. The simplicity of a pencil makes for a trustworthy tool by which to translate those ideas into reality. 1001 ideas later, that loyal friend hangs on – its shaft battle-worn from sharpening and indented from deep-thought nibbling; its eraser worn down to a nub from a commitment to getting things 'just right'.

You've got plenty of good ideas left. Don't stop."

To see more of Karl's amazing work, click HERE now, and don't forget to stop and take your picture with 'Write On' the next time you're visiting The Paramount Center for the Arts in downtown St. Cloud.


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