Want to Change Jobs in Central Minnesota? Here’s How!
Changing jobs and choosing a job can be hard and most everyone looking to make this major life decision could use some help. Gail Cruikshank is the Talent Director for the Greater St. Cloud Development Corporation. She highlights some guidelines for everyone to know.

Career Exploration– Identifying your Passion and Skill Sets
What is career exploration?
The career exploration process involves learning more about yourself, researching your options, trying new experiences, and creating a strategic plan to reach your professional goals. Whether you are deciding on a major or determining your career options this exercise or process can apply to anyone.
• Students or young adults
• Adults changing a career – dislocation, need for change, interest in something new, different type of schedule, etc
• Discover new passion, interest or industry
Opportunities to explore at any age:
• EPIC – Exploring Potential Interests and Careers
• Students (High school)
o EPIC Student Day – provides career exploration through interactive activities created by our local employers
o Explore Posts led by the Boy Scouts of America allowing students to deepen exploration about an industry through onsite education/engagement
o Career One facilitated by Career Solutions
o Part time jobs, mentorships, informational conversations with someone in the field (helps prepare for jobs upon graduation; confirm what you like and dislike before spending $$ on additional education)
• Anyone
o EPIC Career Kits available at GRRL for checkout
o EPIC for Influencers – opportunity to talk directly to our local employers asking about careers, skill sets desired, education needed, salary expectations, and more. Next event is April 16th at SCSU Field House.
o EPIC website – www.epic-mn.com including EPIConnect connecting industry to education. o Discovery Days coordinated by Career Solutions
o GreaterStCloudJobSpot: https://www.stcloudshines.com/jobs/
▪ Highlights jobs available
▪ Provides a vast variety of tools to help identify passions and prepare for job exploration/interviews, etc
o Business Tours How does this help our economy/growth of our region? • Opens people’s eyes as to what careers can look like/what really happens within that building.
• Consider jobs/careers you might not have initially considered.
• Deeper education of a career/job before making assumption not a good fit/dislike it.
• We are a region with a vast variety of industry – something for everyone. Trailing spouse options
• Looking for more recruitment and retention tips visit https://www.greaterstcloud.com/recruitment-and-retention/ For job preparation tips or listing of all 6000 - 7000 jobs available within a 30- mile radius in and around St. Cloud, visit www.greaterstcloudjobspot.com
If you'd like to listen to my conversation with Gail Cruikshank it is available below.
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