If you don't drive and need to count on Uber for a ride to work, don't assume that you're going to be taken care of. My Easter horror story may make you think twice about counting on this service if you really need it.

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One of my adult sons doesn't drive; so normally our family members take turns bringing him to and from work, and there are usually no problems. Every now and then, we have to call Uber or a taxi to give him a ride to work.

80% of the time, there have been no problems. Because of today's issue, I don't ever want to count on this service again, until I know that the passenger is thought of as a real person, instead of cargo.


It was Easter Sunday. I was out of town visiting my family for the holiday. One of my sons was ALSO driving separately to this event, and the OTHER son had no vehicle, as it was in the shop for repairs.

The Uber ride was arranged so that my son could get to work by 3 pm. He thought he'd just be in the car for a few minutes, so he didn't grab a coat. (Bad idea...I know). He saw the Uber driver pull into the driveway. He didn't want to make them wait, so he quickly grabbed his phone and jumped in the car.


Unfortunately, something went wrong with the directions, and the Uber driver said the destination was Walmart, not the location where my son needed to go. My son tried to explain to the driver where he needed to be, but the driver refused to take him and made him get out of the car at Walmart.

My son is on the Autism spectrum, and as you can imagine, was now very worried and upset about the whole situation. Now he won't make it to work on time. How will he get home? The questions were running through his mind. He was upset and a bit fearful.


He called his employer and told them what was happening. (Smart move on his part). Luckily, they were very understanding, as he had no other way of getting there.

Now... before you start judging my son, he is the most trustworthy, organized, and thoughtful person you could ever know. He's typically on top of everything regarding reliability. This just happened to be "THE DAY" when things were just not going to work out for him.

Before he could call me, his brothers, or anyone else he knows for help in getting home, his phone died after he made that phone call to his employer.

No one knows where he is, and he has no way of contacting anyone. He was about 1 1/2 miles away from home, with no coat, and decided to walk home... in the cold, about a 40-minute walk, because he had no way of getting ahold of anyone at this point. I realize that it would have taken the Uber driver out of his way to take my son to work, but did he really think dropping someone off at the wrong location was a great idea? Really? I'm sure he could have been more helpful. No. It's not his job, but when someone is in obvious need of help? Am I wrong on this?

I understand why the Uber driver had to stop at that location; but why the driver didn't help him, by offering to help him schedule the ride for the rest of the way? Or anything? Just dropping someone off? My son tried to explain to him the situation, but the Uber driver wasn't having it.

It was clear that he had other places to be and truly didn't care what happened to his passenger. I'm furious at this moment. I'm thankful my son made it home okay and was able to handle this situation the best way he knew how, but I'm NOT okay with people who don't give a damn about anyone else. If you have a  passenger in your car, you SHOULD CARE what happens to them. PERIOD.  I better stop before my blood pressure goes through the roof.


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