Mark Dayton

Gov. Dayton Addresses Issues At CSB [AUDIO]
Gov. Dayton Addresses Issues At CSB [AUDIO]
Gov. Dayton Addresses Issues At CSB [AUDIO]
Governor Mark Dayton defended his budget proposal at a public forum last (Wednesday) night. The governor said we have, "a rare opportunity to lead," in front of a large crowd at the College of St. Benedict. Dayton covered a range of issues that include taxes, marriage equality and gun control.
Dayton Objects to Vikings Stadium Fee Ideas
Dayton Objects to Vikings Stadium Fee Ideas
Dayton Objects to Vikings Stadium Fee Ideas
Minnesota Gov. Mark Dayton says he'll fight any effort by the Vikings to charge fans extra fees to buy season tickets in the new publicly subsidized football stadium. In a sharply worded letter Tuesday, Dayton told team owner Zygi Wilf that he is distressed by reports the team may charge seat license fees to help generate a private contribution toward the stadium.
Dayton Declares Open Season on Video Games
Dayton Declares Open Season on Video Games
Dayton Declares Open Season on Video Games
Gov. Mark Dayton and his administration have declared open season on video games. One of the big messages at the 10th annual Minnesota Governor's Deer Opener in Winona on the opening weekend of the firearms deer season was the need to get kids away from their Xboxes and into the outdoors.
Vikings Stadium May Hinge On Tax Bill
Vikings Stadium May Hinge On Tax Bill
Vikings Stadium May Hinge On Tax Bill
The chances that the Vikings stadium bill passes through the house and then the senate Monday could hinge on whether Governor Mark Dayton decides to veto or sign the republican tax bill. The tax bill passed through both the house and senate and is on the Governor's desk. The speaker of the house, Kurt Zellers indicated Thursday on the Dan Barreiro Show on Fan Radio Network that he and his fellow republicans would be more interested in supporting the Vikings Stadium if the Governor signs their tax bill. He is threatening the Governor without making a direct threat.
Vikings Narrow Choice To One of 3; Goodell Comes to Minnesota
Vikings Narrow Choice To One of 3; Goodell Comes to Minnesota
Vikings Narrow Choice To One of 3; Goodell Comes to Minnesota
Viking General Manager Rick Spielman indicated Thursday that the Vikings have narrowed their choice for the #3 overall pick in the first round of next Thursday's NFL draft to one of 3 players. The 3 players are LSU cornerback Morris Claiborne, USC offensive tackle Matt Kalil, and Oklahoma State receiver Justin Blackmon. Spielman says the Vikings have the players rated equally on their draft board and must decide which is the greatest position of need.
Vikings Stadium Agreement
Vikings Stadium Agreement
Vikings Stadium Agreement
Minnesota Governor Mark Dayton announced at a press conference today that the state, city of Minneapolis and Minnesota Vikings have an agreement to build the new stadium near where the Metrodome currently is. The deal is contingent on approval from the Minneapolis city council and Minnesota state legislature. The stadium will cost approximately $975 Million with the Vikings contributing $427 Million, the city contributing $150 Million and state would pay for $400.

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