Governor Mark Dayton

St. Cloud Convention Center Included in Dayton’s Bonding Plan
St. Cloud Convention Center Included in Dayton’s Bonding Plan
St. Cloud Convention Center Included in Dayton’s Bonding Plan
A $109 million commitment to Capitol preservation is the biggest element of Gov. Mark Dayton plan for Minnesota-financed construction projects. His wish list outlined Monday also includes substantial funding for new labs at public universities, a new building on the Minneapolis Veterans Home campus and civic center improvements in Mankato, Rochester and St. Cloud.
Dayton to Outline Construction Project Wish List
Dayton to Outline Construction Project Wish List
Dayton to Outline Construction Project Wish List
State Capitol repairs, civic center expansions and veterans home upgrades are all expected to have a place in Gov. Mark Dayton's plan for Minnesota-financed construction projects. Dayton has dropped those hints and others ahead of Monday's official release of his wish list. He has said he would press for $750 million in state borrowing.

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