A new survey from Go Fish Digital indicates that Minnesota ranks in the top ten among the friendliest neighbors while Wisconsin ranks in the bottom ten.  Go Fish Digital Content Marketing Associate Mike Miller joined me on WJON.  He says Minnesota ranks #7 in the nation of friendliest states and is just under 10% friendlier than the national average.  Wisconsin ranked 6th among the least friendly states in this survey.

Miller says they surveyed people asking them to rate their neighbors friendliness on a scale of 1 to 5 with 5 being the friendliest.  He says it was up to those responding in the survey to determine what they considered to be friendly.  Miller says rural individuals ranked their neighbors as the friendliest followed by those living in cities.  Those living in suburbs ranked their neighbors less friendly than both rural people and those living in urban environments.  Some supplemental questions that were asked in the survey were how friendly people were when they moved in, do you think you know your neighbors, do you wave at them and go you have social gatherings with your neighbors.


States ranking above Minnesota in the survey in order include Hawaii, Wyoming, Kansas, South Dakota, Utah and West Virginia.  Both North Dakota and Iowa ranked in the middle to bottom half in this survey.  Washington D.C. ranked as the least friendly followed by Rhode Island, New Hampshire, Alaska, Ohio and Wisconsin.  Take a look at the survey for yourself.

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