
GOP Leaders: Deficit Fix To Involve Public Workers
GOP Leaders: Deficit Fix To Involve Public Workers
GOP Leaders: Deficit Fix To Involve Public Workers
Top legislative Republicans say Minnesota can't solve a $6.2 billion budget shortfall without involving public employees. Senate Majority Leader Amy Koch said Friday that wage freezes, pension reductions and cost sharing are being considered as GOP lawmakers prepare a budget proposal.
SNL Skewers Bachmann Again [VIDEO]
SNL Skewers Bachmann Again [VIDEO]
SNL Skewers Bachmann Again [VIDEO]
Saturday Night Live's Kristin Wiig is getting pretty good with her impression of Minnesota 6th District Congresswoman Michele Bachmann. Wiig skewered Bachmann's recent Tea Party Express response to President Barack Obama's "State of the Union Address." Funny or no? You decide.

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