Minnesota Twins

St. Cloud Twins Fans Pack Convention Center For Winter Caravan
St. Cloud Twins Fans Pack Convention Center For Winter Caravan
St. Cloud Twins Fans Pack Convention Center For Winter Caravan
The Twins Winter Caravan made its annual stop in St. Cloud Monday night before a packed crowd of nearly 400 people. Current Twins pitcher Louie Varland and outfielder Matt Wallner were on hand alongside former Twin LaTroy Hawkins, broadcaster Cory Provus, mascot TC Bear and team President Dave St. Peter.
St. Cloud Twins Caravan Stop Is One Week Away
St. Cloud Twins Caravan Stop Is One Week Away
St. Cloud Twins Caravan Stop Is One Week Away
The Twins Winter Caravan will be stopping in St. Cloud a week from today on Monday January 29 and tickets are still available for that event ONLY at the Townsquare Media Studios. Tickets are $6 for adults with kids 5 and under free with a kids tickets.

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