Blois Olson Talks Michelle Tafoya, Budget Surplus and More
ST. PAUL -- It apparently didn't take Michelle Tafoya long to find a new job. The longtime NBC sideline reporter worked her last game during the Super Bowl on Sunday.
Monday Political Analyst Blois Olson says she is joining the Kendall Qualls for Governor campaign. He says she has already publicly endorsed him in his bid to get the Republican nomination.
Olson says there is also a clear indication that the state's already projected record $7.7 billion budget surplus could go even higher when the next budget forecast comes out. He says state leaders haven't given a date for the announcement yet, but some people believe the surplus go surpass $9 billion.
Another big event this week will be the courts releasing their congressional and legislative redistricting maps which will come out on Tuesday.
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Olson is on the News @ Noon show every Monday at 12:20 p.m. Hear the full conversation below.