St. Cloud Police

Police Chief Asks Witnesses to Come forward in Deadly Attack [AUDIO]
Police Chief Asks Witnesses to Come forward in Deadly Attack [AUDIO]
Police Chief Asks Witnesses to Come forward in Deadly Attack [AUDIO]
St. Cloud Police are asking for your help as they investigate a deadly attack on the south side of town. On Thursday night at about 11:20 p.m. 20-year-old Colton Gleason of Greenfield was walking in an alley in the 600 block between 8th and 9th Avenue when a car pulled up, a group of people got out, one of them threw a single punch, which caused Gleason to fall to the ground, and hit his head.
Car Gets Keyed, $2000 in Damage
Car Gets Keyed, $2000 in Damage
Car Gets Keyed, $2000 in Damage
St. Cloud police are looking for the person responsible for keying a car. The victim says the incident happened sometime between 4:00 and 8:00 p.m. on Thursday in the Cloverleaf Trailer Park.
Police Arrest Man at SCSU for Trespassing
Police Arrest Man at SCSU for Trespassing
Police Arrest Man at SCSU for Trespassing
St. Cloud police have arrested a man who was allegedly drunk and trespassing at St. Cloud State University. A crane operator working on the ISELF building showed-up for work early this (Thursday) morning and found the man.

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